In Employemnt, Education, Training – InEET

Me date 22 dhe 23 Shkurt 2024 eshte mbajte takimi i perbashket ne kuader te projektit: In Employemnt, Education, Training – InEET është një projekt ndërkufitar i zbatuar në Mal të Zi dhe Kosovë, organizuar nga Labyrinth dhe ne mbeshtetje te Juventas.Ne kete takim kane qene te ftuar zyrtare te insitucioneve relevante te qeshtjeve sociale dhe punesimit nga Mali i Zi dhe Kosova.Po ashtu u prezantuan hulumtimet  per situaten ne Kosove dhe ne Mal te Zi per qeshtje sociale dhe te punesimit per gruper e margjinalizuara, po ashtu edhe prezentimi i gjetjeve te hulumtimeve dhe diskutimet qe ishin me rendesi per te kuptuar me mire situaten ne Kosove dhe Mal te Zi .

On February 22 and 23, 2024, a joint meeting was held in the framework of the project: In Employemnt, Education, Training – InEET is a cross-border project implemented in Montenegro and Kosovo, organized by Labyrinth and supported by Juventas.Official guests of the relevant institutions of social affairs and employment from Montenegro and Kosovo were invited to this meeting.Research was also presented on the situation in Kosovo and Montenegro for social and employment opportunities for marginalized groups, as well as the presentation of research findings and discussions that were important for a better understanding of the situation in Kosovo and Montenegro.