Response to social protection challenges of the marginalized communities Led by Innovation, Education and Functionality
Funded by the European Union, January 2021 through June 2024
The action intent to strengthen the role of civil society in the promotion and provision of SSs with the aim to address the needs of the most vulnerable groups in close coordination with other relevant services in targeted municipalities. The proposed project is under the Priority/Lot 2: Support to innovative projects in the area of social protection. It will contribute to achieving the global and specific objectives of the call by supporting the capacities of competent CSOs in strengthening the resilience of the social protection system through innovative and efficient services to the most vulnerable citizens in close coordination with the CSWs. The action blends social and capacity-building goals while making a commitment to creating new modalities, a safe environment for the TGs as well as to enable the approach to SS without prejudices. Also, we would like to strengthen cross-sectorial collaboration to provide comprehensive support locally, promote linkages with the local authority and civil society, and to provide working skills to the TG as an effort for better resocialization and integration to the society.
Target Groups
- TGs Children and adolescents with drugs addiction especially from RAE communities; Juvenile delinquentsand children DUs in conflict with the law; Children and adolescents with the psychological or behavioral disorder;
- TGs Women/victims of domestic violence; Families of DUs and domestic violence;
- TGs CSOs dealing with RAE communities DUs and gender based violence;
General objective is: The civil society sector is ready to participate in the decision-making process and to respond to the increasing demand for improved and new SSs particularly for the most vulnerable citizens.
Specific objectives are:
- SO1: To provide an efficient social protection system for marginalized communities through creation of innovative medical, psychosocial, legal, and rehabilitation programmes and services.
- SO2: To empower CSOs, municipal centers of social work (CSWs) and other relevant state institutions in the response to the health and social challenges of vulnerable groups, especially for women of domestic violence & Juvenile delinquents and children drug users (DUs) in conflict with law from the Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian (RAE) community.
- SO3: To create an enabling financial environment for CSOs services and programs for marginalized communities;
Expected Results
- ER1: Effective, sustainable, and fact based methodologies to address the special needs of the target groups (TGs) are assessed and introduced as a model to CSWs and CSOs.
- ER2: Professionals from CSWs and NGOs are trained and ready to provide social services (SSs) for marginalized communities.
- ER3: Community-based service for provision of basic medical, psychosocial, legal and rehabilitation support for TGs are available in targeted municipalities.
- ER4: A mobile clinic and home visiting support services for offering medical and psychosocial services for the targeted population is established and put in purpose
- ER5: Harm reduction programme is incorporated in the case management protocol as an innovative support of target group.
- ER6: Thematic and competent CSOs are offering psychosocial and legal support and are directly involved in shaping the social protection system
WG 1. Development of fact based models and services for TGs
- Analysis of SSs given by CSW and services to be contracted to NGOs;
- Protocol for case management;
- Situational analysis of RAE communities on drug use and domestic violence prevalence;
- Development of mobile app for professionals providing SSs;
WG 2 Capacity building programme
- Development of Manual of brief intervention and manual with modules;
- One Case management training;
- One three-day training for CSOs and stakeholders;
- Three trainings of former victims/women of domestic violence, RAE adolescents DUs and juveniles for peer-to-peer education and counselling;
WG 3. Providing SSs for TGs
- Establishing small office for psychosocial, legal and rehabilitation support;
- Medical, legal and rehabilitation services with psychotherapeutic counselling;
- Sheltering of woman with children victims of domestic violence;
- Certified work reintegration trainings on tailoring and bakery for women victims of domesticviolence;
WG 4 Establishing a mobile clinic for field work
- Home visits with peers and trained professionals;
- Basic transportation of TGs to certain institutions (hospitals, CSWs, local self-governments, policestations etc.);
- HIV and Hepatitis C testing via Mobile clinic;
- Street peer to peer activities in RAE settlements;
WG 5 Financial support to third parties will deliver the ER6
- Sub-granting of 2-4 local CSOs to help achieving the objectives;
- Visibility and promotion of SSs;
Timeframe and budget
From January 2021 through June 2024, Ngo Labyrinth, Ngo Safe House, Center for Protection and Rehabilitation of Woman and Children “Liria”, will work on this Action, with a total budget of €485,000, where €436,049.60 come from the support of the European Union (EU) Office in Kosovo, and €49,000 are co-financing.
Implementing Partners’ Contact Information
- Ngo Labyrinth - Safet Blakaj
- Ngo Safe House - Erblina Dinarama
- Center for Protection and Rehabilitation of Woman and Children “Liria” - Nazife Jonuzi